Welcome to the Butcher and the Baker... and the assorted ramblings of a candlestick maker. We here for the sole purpose to entertain ourselves, and give you our viewpoints on the world, because let’s face it folks, our viewpoints matter!
The Butcher: We have shot off ideas off each other saying for years we should write a book, a column something......well here it goes folks. The gate is open and I am sure you are dying to hear my point of view.
The Baker: And if you were smart... you would take one look at that open gate and run now... because as one who has listened to the ramblings of the butcher for this many years.... they should come with warning labels and ipecac.
The Butcher: You just want to fight with me don’t you? Yep folks you can already see where this is heading. But, we needed a starting point, so hence the dog picture. I, my friends am that person in the background yelling obscenities at the dog that has just ran off from my loving care. I like to punish my dog with the attention of my kids. There is nothing like watching my dog get squeezed to death by my 5 year old. Or letting the 8 year old style his hair. I am telling you he looks good in pink ribbons. I tell you that is repayment for the stash you left in my bedroom this morning, that the five year old stepped in and then had to have her third bath of the day.
The Baker: As you can tell, there are many things out of control in the butcher’s life. The dog is just one of many symptoms.
The Butcher: Let me give you a little background about my friends the Baker. The baker is going to send you down the path of rethinking your life’s goals and making you go to your HAPPY place in life, and I, I my friends, just say it as it merely is. None of these get in touch with yourself emotions that you don’t want to have with me......nope just brutally honest here folks.
The Baker: Speaking of “rethinking your life’s goals”........ The stash is symbolic. The dog is telling you something... listen. Does he need to draw it out?
The Butcher: The hardest part of this whole gig is letting the Baker get the last word....
so for now sit back and enjoy the ride, of the Butcher, the Baker and sometimes an assorted candlestick maker. Welcome to the craziness.
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