Bo and Luke Duke, I am telling you that was TV at the best. Friday
nights at home rocked back in the day. Bo and Luke were HOT!! I was
convinced my first car would fly. Sad to say my 1973 GOLD Ford LTD did
not fly, and that one time when I ran a stop sign, well that wasn’t
Roscoe P Coe Train picking me up.
Not only were Bo and Luke HOT, Rob Schnieder could sing and tried a
singing career. I saw him in person. I think this was also the show
that encouraged me to outrun a cop once. Wait, am I on the right site,
this is the Dukes of Hazards confession site, isn’t it?
Rob Schnieder in concert? You were the cool kid on the block!! Who
knew? I am telling you the Dukes were like the variety show of the
80’s, the 70’s had Hee Haw and the 80’s got the Dukes. I mean to tell
you the Dukes got the stars to come over and get picked up by Roscoe so
they could end the show with some good ole country music.
Candlestick Maker: I’m thinking she should be labeled as Daisy Duke!
No doubt! Daisy Duke had any male in the 80’s that was on the right
side of the plate drooling! She was the 80’s version of Barbie, and
then put her in a hot car, with those short shorts, yep, boys and men
alike had their engines revving over Daisy Duke. Then there was J.D.
Hogg, I am telling you so many MEN I know fit his description.......men
who think they know what is going on when really they don’t have a clue.
Men who just tell someone else to go out and do their dirty work. Lu
Lu, you know she was the brains of the operation in her moo moo.
I am thinking I have missed a major portion of my life. I watched
the Dukes of course. No, I take that back.. I never watched it. But I
could put my children in front of it and they could go mind numb.
Almost every episode has a car chase scene. This is the only show I
know that the whole thing was a car chase. I am thinking this is more
suitable for cats. Cats like to chase things and a cat would be
entertained. No offense intended of course. I DO remember Daisy Duke
and the SHORTS. And SHORT doesn’t even seem to be the correct word for
those. Then along came Jessica Simpson who played Daisy. Obviously
that was before her contract with weight watchers. On the bright
side... that makes me feel better. From Daisy Duke to weight watchers.
Proof … shit happens!
Candlestick Maker: So let’s look at the big picture here. I too was
one that was raised with the action packed hour of duping the cops.
There is some good that has come from all this though you know. I’m
pretty sure that many medication have been developed because of the
show, the Dukes of Hazard. Like meds for Authoritive Defiant
individuals. Or maybe programs like weight watchers or even rehab
places for anorexic chics who attempted to look like Daisy Duke? By the
way, here are pictures of her today. She is living proof that age,
gravity sucks, and hot pants should never have been worn (this belongs
in the “who knew” blog). But again certain lifts of certain body parts
and facial features were probably developed because of the Dukes of
Hazard. Just think of what we wouldn’t have if it weren’t for Bo and